May 30th 2016 – Winners of Enduro Cerkno, second race of SloEnduro series, are Austrian Petra Bernhardt (Radlager) and Slovenian Vid Peršak (Gaes Orbea Enduro Crew). Vid, the 2015 SloEnduro Champion, already won Saturday’s prologue in Cerkno and went on to win four out of five Sunday’s stages in Cerkno ski resort. Daniel Schemmel (Cube Action Team) won the third stage, the longest one, which also counted as Kenda SuperStage.

SloEnduro 2016 #2: Petra Bernhardt and Vid Peršak win in Cerkno
Daniel Schemmel

Tadej Razpet, member of host team Pedal Racing from Cerkno, finished second in the prologue and defended the position for some time on Sunday but he finally had to settle with third behind Peršak and Schemmel. The other local rider, the young Jan Štucin, finished 3rd in the prologue but broke his wrist in a crash in Sunday’s second stage. Austrian Kevin Maderegger (Ghost Factory Racing Riot Team) in 4th and Slovenian Kristijan Medvešček (Kamplc Racing Team) in 5th also made it on podium.

Petra was behind another Austrian Yana Dobnig (RLM Mondraker Racing Team) in the prologue but then won all five today’s stages. The former top downhiller won the overall with a gap of over a minute. Italian Giulia Albanese (UC Caprivesi) finished third.

Matjaž Istenič ( won the junior category, Robert Kordež (Black Hole Enduro Team) the master 1, Austrian Cri Maierhofer (Radlager) the master 2 category and Dušan Oblak (Servis Oblak Žiri) the hobby class. There were 125 riders from six countries on start.

SloEnduro 2016 #2: Petra Bernhardt and Vid Peršak win in Cerkno
Petra Bernhardt

Quotes from the fastest

Vid Peršak:

I was exaggerating, I jumped everything I could. I could have risked less and it would be just fine. But I will seem slower the next time… I crashed three times for dumb mistakes, lack of concentration. But it was ok overall, it was the first time I won the prologue. The stages were good.

Daniel Schemmel:

I did fine except for last stage where I went off course. I had a hard week of riding and I was tired in the first stage but it was getting better each stage. Overall I’m happy. It was another great race.

Petra Bernhardt:

My friends motivated me.The people were super friendly and nice and reminded me of the time when I was a World Cup downhill racer… that makes me really happy. This race means a lot to me because I had a bad back surgery – intervertebral disc op – half a year ago. I didn’t know if I would be able to ride for so many hours without pain – but it was fine all two days long. I loved the stages! It was great like always at the races in Slovenia.

SloEnduro 2016 #2: Petra Bernhardt and Vid Peršak win in Cerkno
Men’s podium

Lost transponder case solved

In Sunday’s third stage, the Kenda Superstage, Peršak lost his timing transponder after a crash. As stated in the rules in case time is not recorded, he first received a position equal to his average placing in the race – which meant the same time as the winner. But afterwards this time was replaced with the time (about 5 seconds slower) measured by another device – organizer’s camera on Vid’s helmet. This did not affect the race ranking but is more fair regarding the Kenda SuperStage ranking where times are accumulated all season long.

SloEnduro 2016 #2: Petra Bernhardt and Vid Peršak win in Cerkno
Vid Peršak

Show goes on in Bovec

Third race of SloEnduro series will be Soča Enduro on June 25th and 26th but before that two races of SloEnduro 4Fun series will be held: Enduro Gradec in Styria, Austria, on June 5th (with Schemmel on start. It’s his home race), and Enduro Krvavec in Slovenia on June 19th.

Enduro Cerkno results: click here
Photos from Cerkno: click here

About SloEnduro

Slovenian mountain bike enduro series SloEnduro started in 2013. The competitions are sanctioned by Slovenian Cycling Federation while SloEnduro is managed by a board consisting of organizers and teams representatives.


SloEnduro website:
SloEnduro Facebook:
SloEnduro YouTube channel:
SloEnduro Twitter: @sloenduro

Photos: Nejc Bole