Torquato Testa aka Toto loves to send Double Whips and Cork 720’s on his Rose Slopestyle Bike and regularly practises with his mate Diego Caverzasi at Monza Pizza Bikepark. At the end of January, Toto won White Style, the only MTB slopestyle event on snow. The ambitious Italian, who became 6th at last year’s Crankworx Rotorua Slopestyle, is already looking forward to his trip to New Zealand at the end of March. In June, the 24-year-old will be ready to rumble at the Out of Bounds Festival in Saalfelden Leogang. In this interview, Torquato talks about his plans for 2017, his friendship with Diego and motor racing.

Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017
Photo: Christoph Laue

Ciao Torquato, first of all: Congratulations to your win at this year’s White Style! It was your first FMB tour win ever. How was it to achieve your first victory of the season in Saalfelden Leogang?

Torquato Testa: I competed at White Style for the third time, and finally I won it! I was really stoked, because it was also my first victory at a FMB event!

The tricks you sent were absolutely incredible – an Opposite Cork 720, a Flip Nohand, a Double Flip and a Cork 720. This combination of tricks has never been seen before. Was it the first time you landed this combo successfully during a contest?

Yes! I tried to send this trick combo last year already, but unfortunately, I crashed! So I trained a lot and finally made it work!

Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017
Photo: David Robinson

White Style is a very special event – due to its snowy conditions. How do you like riding on snow in comparison to a „normal“ dirt track?

White Style is always a special contest. The snow and the cold make this competition unique! Usually, it’s hard to find the right speed during the first runs, but as soon as you know the speed, it becomes fun to ride! Having the lift available this year made going to the top of the course a lot more convenient.

Saalfelden Leogang isn’t new to you. You have competed at White Style and at 26TRIX before. Are you going to be back for 26TRIX in June?

Yes, sure! I’m really looking forward to compete at 26TRIX!

Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017 Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017
Photo: Christoph Laue

Tell us about your plans for the new season. What are the next contests you are going to compete in? Are there any contests you are looking forward in particular?

Last season, I had a couple of injuries that compromised my consistency and my results during the year, but this year I want to present constant performances whenever I compete! Right now, I am really excited to go back to Crankworx Rotorua!

Where in Italy do you train? Is riding your full time job?

I usually train in our new bikepark called “Monza Pizza Bikepark” in my hometown! Yes, nowadays riding bikes is my full time job and I will be a MTB teacher in the bikepark, too!

Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017
Photo: Christoph Laue

Diego Caverzasi, who won the GoPro Best Trick contest at White Style, is a good friend of yours. It must have been cool – you having won White Style and Diego having won the Best Trick! How did you celebrate? Do you often train together?

Yes, it was amazing! Finally, the two of us succeeded in the same competition! It‘s the best thing for two guys like us who often ride together and push each other every time we ride!

You are from Monza, the home of the Italian Grand Prix. Are you interested in motor racing or what other interests do you have besides riding?

Actually, I raced go-karts for ten years before I started riding bikes, and I still enjoy driving go-karts every now and then. I used to watch F1, superbike or rally quite a lot, but nowadays I only watch it from time to time.

Interview with Torqauto Testa, winner White Style 2017
Photo: Christoph Laue

One last question: Do you have any advice for rookie riders who have never competed in bigger FMB contests?

Guys, don’t think about the contest, think about having fun riding your bike during the contest, meet new riders and ride with everyone! It’s the best part of our sport!
