After nearly saying goodbye to his dream of becoming a professional rider, David Trummer thought better of it and bounced back onto the big stage. After securing a Top 10 spot in the World Cup overall in 2019, he was rewarded by joining the YT Mob and the silver medal at this year’s World Championships is a testament to the Austrian’s hard work and dedication. We visit ‘Daveboy’ in his hometown Gnas in Austria to get to know him a little better after an unusual season.

David, thanks for taking the time. What have you been up to since the season finished?

David Trummer: Not too much, to be honest. I went for some easy enduro rides with my YT Jeffsy and did quite a bit of cleaning and reshaping my home trails.

We got the chance to get to know your background a little better while visiting in Gnas. How did you get into mountain biking as a kid? Was there a group of mates you rode with back then?

Yeah, I suppose that is true. I had a couple of older friends from Gnas back then. They were racing 4X and took me along to one of the races. That is when I found out that I was quite talented on an MTB and it all went on from there.

UCI DH World Cup, Lousa 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

Your dad seems really passionate about your riding. How has he influenced your own passion? 

He was always into motorbikes and anything with two wheels. So, as a kid, he always sat me on the tank of his motorcycles when going for a ride. I always loved it. I suppose I had an early connection to bikes thanks to him. 

How did you transition to downhill racing? Was that something you always wanted to pursue?

Well, when I started racing 4X I also discovered the DH sport. I was really fascinated by it, I was desperate to give it a go. So, I bought my first shitty DH bike. A friend took me with to my first under-17’s downhill race and I won it by over 30 seconds. That is when I realized, I should maybe stick to it and see where it may take me.

UCI DH World Cup, Maribor 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

You mention that you nearly gave up on the dream of becoming a pro rider. What brought you to change your mind? 

I think just some small things. For one, I felt really comfortable on the TUES when I first got it and had so much fun riding it. That gave me a boost of confidence and motivation which I had never experienced before. That was in the off-season before the 2019 season and not long after I got my best career result during my first World Cup in Maribor. I realized how stupid I was to think I should give up. 

This was your first year with a factory team set-up to back you. Which aspect of the YT Mob has made the biggest change to your riding and capabilities?

I think the best thing is that everything around you is organized so well. I really don’t have to think about anything else other than racing. I can focus a lot better on the task at hand now. It’s also great that the whole team works so well together and we’re all having a good time. 

UCI DH World Championships, Leogang 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

It was an unusual and brief season, which started off with a gold medal at Crankworx and a silver medal for you at the World Champs! After winning Crankworx did you think you had the pace and form for a medal at the World Championships as well? What were your thoughts going into the race week?

Yes, it was a crazy year! Before Crankworx I wasn’t really sure where I stood, but after I won, I knew I‘m still on the right path and on pace. That gave me a lot of confidence for the World Championships but I struggled quite a lot over the weekend. I wasn’t really expecting to get a medal. So, I really surprised myself. 

In which way did the continuous cancellation of races affect your training and preparation leading up to these big races? 

I think the most difficult part was just to stay race-ready for so long because I trained so much over the off-season coming into 2020 and felt really good for the first race in March. Then I had to stay ready the whole year until October for the first races. 

UCI DH World Championships, Leogang 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

The World Cup commenced with two double-header rounds in Maribor and Lousa. From an athlete’s perspective, what did you think of the double-header format? Could this be a recipe for the future should COVID-19 keep us on our toes in 2021 as well? 

Not sure, to be honest. I really do hope we will have some normal World Cup weekends next year. I think it is too much to have four race days in a row at a double-header. 

After such a rollercoaster ride of a season this year, what was the most important thing you learned in dealing with a pandemic and trying to prepare for World Cup racing?

Well, I hope we will have a normal season next year, so I don’t have to learn something out of this chaotic year (laughs). But I think I‘m still on the right path with my training and my approach. So, I will probably adjust some small things. All in all, though, I think if I can continue to do what I‘m doing then the podium and my first win will come closer and closer. 

UCI DH World Cup, Lousa 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

Despite a challenging year and battling a stomach bug in Lousa you were able to back your Top 10 performance from 2019 with a 12th place in the World Cup overall in 2020. Where do you see yourself this time next year? 

I think 12th in the overall is pretty good considering all the problems I had; my crash in Maribor and that stomach bug in Lousa. However, my goal is to finish in the top 10 again for sure. 

Assuming a normal World Cup season is possible next year. Which track are you looking forward to returning to most?

I think World Champs in Val di Sole could get interesting. It’s the most challenging and roughest track next year, but I feel like I could do pretty well on this kind of track. 

UCI DH World Cup, Lousa 2020 / photo: Isac Paddock

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About YT Industries

YT Industries was founded by Markus Flossmann in 2008 to give talented riders access to competitive dirt jump bikes. YT stands for Young Talent and reflects its founder’s approach to life: No matter the age, it is never too late to explore your hidden talent or passion and to try something new. It is never too late to LIVE UNCAGED.

To this day, YT focuses on mountain biking and offers a wide range of products from downhill and enduro to trail bikes as a direct-to-consumer brand. YT bikes are distinguished by high quality for an exceptional price. Be it Red Bull Rampage, Downhill World Championships, or World Cups, YT bikes have dominated at world-class events and carried the best athletes to major titles.

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