What happens when everything in mountain biking has already been done?Rather than swapping their 29″ bikes for mullets or testing the limits of handlebar widths, sibling teammates Ryan and Becky Gardner decide to give up racing altogether to become high alpine extreme tubers.

However, pioneering a sport is never easy. Becky and Ryan have faced many hurdles and endless judgment along the way. The Gardners share a common goal: snagging first tubing descents in previously tubeless high alpine lakes.

About WTB

About WTB

Founded in 1982, WTB was formed in Marin county, the birthplace of mountain biking, to design better bicycle products. Renowned for saddles, tires, rims and grips, this rider-driven company continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible through an unrelenting spirit of innovation and passion for two-wheeled adventure.

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