Trans Julius 2019: 4-dniowa enduro przygoda w Słoweńskich Alpach

Trans Julius was created for recreational riders who want to have fun not only on the bike but also after the finish line. The riders comes from 11 different countries and their main goal is to enjoy amazing bike trails in Julian Alps, and after that to have some party. An unforgettable MTB enduro adventure for all ages and genders with just one mission: to make the biggest smile under your helmet! For sure quite an unique concept of the event in the mountain biking race world, but the organising team says that Trans Julius is not about racing, it is about having a new unforgettable adventure. This “ride not only for the win, but to have fun!” concept perfectly fits to 43ride profile so we are glad to announce that we will take part in TJ2019 and we will try to show the “inside story” of whole event!

Trans Julius 2019: 4-dniowa enduro przygoda w Słoweńskich Alpach

This edition of the MTB enduro race Trans Julius is taking place from 20 to 23 June 2019 starting in Cerkno and continuing in Soča Valley and weekend we will spend in Bohinj. In this 4 days we will ride 4 different types of trails, with total descent of more than 33 km on Your bike. A true enduro diverse terrain from amazing mountain tops, thru natural sections mixed with flow trails prepared especially for the event. I had an occasion to test run planned trail for the first day in Cerkno and it was awesome! You can see a little “sneak peak” on the video below:

Off course Trans Julius is not only just about racing, it is more about having unforgettable fun! So each night you can expect different social event, such as special Trans Julius live concerts, or movie nights. All of this with tasting local culinary, and drinking special Trans Julius beer! The organising team each year creates special edition of craft beer with local craft brewery. The special edition is different every year and they promised us that in 2019 there will be another great feature on the bottle and a new spices in the bottle!

Trans Julius 2019: 4-dniowa enduro przygoda w Słoweńskich Alpach

Trans Julius also has special final ceremony. Last stage is a mass start stage and after it there is celebration of the best riders, and later there is a traditional Trans Julius cake that will raise again our sugar level (after 4 days of riding!). Basically everyone attending is a winner!

Trans Julius 2019: 4-dniowa enduro przygoda w Słoweńskich Alpach

Podsumowując 4 dni jazdy po niesamowitych trasach pośród alpejskiej scenerii, ze świetnymi ludźmi, popijając jedyne w swoim rodzaju piwo Trans Julius. A wszystko to z nastawieniem nie na zdobycie najlepszego czasu czy pucharu, a po prostu aby dobrze się bawić!

Trans Julius 2019: 4-dniowa enduro przygoda w Słoweńskich Alpach

So to sum up: 4 days of riding amazing trails in amazing alpine scenery, with amazing people, drinking one and only Trans Julius beer. And with only one goal: To have fun! Interested? Visit for more info!

Text: Marek Chabros