“A good bike rider is a good bike rider,” said Rhys Verner from the finish corral of the final event of the CLIF Crankworx Summer Series in Kicking Horse. The statement was a response to the fact that he and Jesse Melamed, two Enduro specialists, managed to take the two top spots in the Maxxis Kicking Horse Downhill race today. 

Jesse Melamed / photo: Clint Trahan

I think that’s what we had all hoped for and were expecting with this series. Kind of random, weird results. It’s definitely interesting, all of us doing different disciplines. We’ve just finished the second week of three, and there’s so many variables that go into it. I can’t say that I’m stoked that Finn is winning the Enduros, but he’s obviously such a good rider. I can’t really complain, he’s obviously so good.

– Jesse Melamed

The Whistler rider said his race run was his best run of the day, and was preceded by a double espresso and a bunch of shot bloks, possibly a winning secret given that the series’ athletes have logged long practice and race days for 10 of the past 12.

Casey Brown / photo: Clint Trahan

It’s crazy managing the fatigue and trying to figure out how the track is and everything in one day. Practice and race in one day in all these events. It’s a head-full and physically it’s so taxing. It’s a huge accomplishment to be able to even finish a day.

– Casey Brown

It’s a sentiment that was echoed by the other two women who finished just behind Brown. 

Vaea Verbeeck / photo: Chris Pilling

I definitely went with the approach of late morning start. I wasn’t sure because everybody else seemed to be doing more practice runs, but I knew my body could only take so much. So three practice runs later and I felt good with my lines and just went in confident but not too aggressive and that, I think, was key for me to stay clean and stay on my lines.

– Vaea Verbeeck
Miranda Miller / photo: Chris Pilling

Psychosis was an emotional day. At the top, for our first run, usually you’re always kind of nervous before you do something like that, but everyone was scared. It was like a whole nother level. I feel like everyone was just collectively like ‘Oh shit.’ And so I think that day was just really draining and the heat really took it out of me. And so yesterday I felt physically really low. And then today physically I feel pretty good, but mentally more fatigued. Like I found it really hard to concentrate. My eyes weren’t tracking as well. It’s some ups and downs.

– Miranda Miller

Definitely an up week for Miller’s teammate Verner, who took third in Tuesday’s Enduro and in Psychosis Wednesday. His second place finish today, with a 2:52.45, just 0.61 off of first place, is his best result of the series. 

Rhys Verner / photo: Chris Pilling

It’s been a sweet week, a lot of fun, and fun is fast. Really happy with the week. Pretty relentlessly technical. I had a pretty good run. The top was really good. I got kind of tired at the bottom and made a few little mistakes, but nothing too costly and I still landed on the box, so it’s good.

– Rhys Verner

He said today’s track, down Kicking Horse’s infamously steep terrain, was full-on.

For the third place finisher among the Elite Men, today’s result was also his best of the series, and his first podium.

Kirk McDowall / photo: Chris Pilling

I was tired of being fourth and fifth and wanted to do well today. So I’m glad I was on the podium. It was also not my finest downhill race run work, so that part of it is bittersweet as I didn’t miss out by much. But it was a tricky course. The mistakes came in my run from trying to push a little bit too much. Normally you go up a couple percent from your practice runs. On this course it felt like as soon as I did that, a lot of mistakes happened.

– Kirk McDowall

The results from the week now get added to the points totals from Week One in SilverStar, as the action rolls on to the final stretch of competition in Sun Peaks.

It’s confidence inspiring. I know that I’ve been doing what I need to do and I’ve been riding really well. I’ve been really happy with my riding. I think I’m riding very consistently, which is something I’ve had to work on in the past. It brings me some confidence and I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.

– Jesse Melamed

We have another week ahead. I’m ready for it.

– Vaea Verbeeck

FULL RESULTS – Maxxis Kicking Horse DH

The CLIF Crankworx Summer Series will be available on crankworx.com, Pinkbike and EDGEsport (available to view through TV, online and digital services).

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About CLIF Crankworx Summer Series

The Crankworx Summer Series (CSS) brings together races staged in new, epic destinations on world-class tracks. Multiple stops are strung together to create the series, which turns it into the ultimate mountain bike summer roadie. CSS races bring Crankworx-caliber competition to communities outside the usual Crankworx World Tour circuit. Races and competitions give local and up-and-coming racers a chance to race with national and international heroes, providing a path to potential future Crankworx World Tour greatness, and a real good time along the way. For additional information, visit crankworx.com.

About Crankworx World Tour

About Crankworx World Tour

Crankworx is the ultimate experience in mountain biking. Born in Whistler, B.C. in 2004, Crankworx has evolved into a multi-stop international festival series. The Crankworx World Tour brings together the best mountain bike athletes to compete in elite-level competitions in a variety of disciplines. Crankworx World Tour festivals also host races for amateurs, Kidsworx contests for young riders, participatory events, and celebrations of mountain bike culture, all while showcasing amazing destinations.

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