The Mountain Bike season is finally picking up speed! Most bike parks will open their gates during the upcoming days and weeks and riders are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to start their hunt to collect descents. In a number of bike parks, riders can already battle the Corona blues with some much-needed riding. When asked about maximum variety and endless shredding, there is only one answer this year: the GraVity Card, with more than 170 trails in 21 bike parks and enduro areas across six countries. The season ticket for Europe’s leading bike parks also takes into account the special situation we are currently in and responds with a special Covid-19 regulation for summer 2020.

Bike Republic Sölden / photo: Wayne Reich

May makes everything new,” goes an old saying. This is particularly true for the Mountain Bike community this year, because the silver lining on the horizon is within reach: just in time for the Pentecost weekend, you can once again shred to your heart’s content in the Austrian bike parks. And while the Swiss parks follow a week later, German bike parks have already opened and guarantee first-class biking pleasure in conjunction with the GraVity Card. But that’s not all: with the GraVity Card you have access to fast flow trails, technical downhill tracks and big jump lines in 21 parks and enduro areas in Germany, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland.

3-Länder Enduro Trails / photo: Erwin Haide

In order for the bike season to be a complete success under the given circumstances, there will be a special Covid-19 regulation for summer 2020. Tickets purchased in advance can be canceled and fully refunded if they have not been used. In addition, there will be a graduated discount on the purchase of the Gravity Card if less than 50 percent of the bike parks are open by the end of June, or the end of July. You can find details regarding the special regulation at:

Bikepark Maribor / photo: Jošt Gantar

Now that we have a clear roadmap for summer 2020 and the great uncertainty of the past few months has disappeared, everyone within the GraVity Card team is very confident about what’s in store for the mountain bike season – given that everyone within the bike sport follows the government health guidelines. With the special arrangement for a possible refund, we have found a good solution that suits all Gravity fans. The run on the bike shops in recent weeks shows that the bike industry is on the upswing again, which will surely be transferred to tourism, the bike parks and of course the GraVity Card.

– Kornel Grundner, spokesman for the GraVity Parks
Bikepark Schladming / photo: Roland Hashka

170 trails in 21 bike parks and enduro areas in six countries – here are all the parks:

Bikepark Špičák / photo: Bikepark Špičák

More information about the GraVity Card

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