An important part when planning any bike trip is always a look at the weather. But what if the forecast for the weekend for the most alpine bike destinations does not look to promising and an atmospheric depression is expected to bring low-hanging clouds, no visibility and lots of rain? That leaves exactly two options: Pack your rain gear and go for it or look for an alternative with better weather – Osttirol for example, where the sun shines almost always when it rains further North.

The reason behind this extensive sunshine and the Mediterranean flair between Großglockner (3,798 m) and Lienz Dolomites is the geographical location of the Austrian province – in short: It’s on the right side of the Alps.
The position south of the main chain of the Alps protects Osttirol from the atmospheric low-pressure areas coming from Northwestern Europe – the clouds get stuck north of the mountains where they shed their moisture. In the region south of the main chain however, the high-pressure influence and good weather prevail.

What now might sound like marketing blah-blah at its finest, is scientifically proven by the numbers and figures of the Austrian Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, short: ZAMG). According to Austria’s highest weather authority, there is only an average of 34 rainy days in Lienz from June to August (calculated from one liter of water per square meter in 24 hours), while it is 40 days in Innsbruck and even 41 days in Bregenz at Lake Constance.
Calculated over a quarter year, that’s a difference of a whole week, which is not insignificant. Besides, it’s not just about the amount of rainfall or the number of days it rained. In the Lienz region, it usually rains for only two to three hours during a summer thunderstorm. A full day of rain is very rare. Thunderstorms are very local phenomena.
Gerhard Hohenwarter, meteorologist at ZAMG

So, when the weather forecast produces some big question marks when planning the spontaneous weekend bike trip, Osttirol transforms from a hidden gem to a real alternative.
Another advantage of Osttirol is that there is an Indian summer almost every year, which leads to a long the season. The summer weather often lasts until mid or even late October. Accordingly, the Bikepark Lienz is open on weekends in October.

Information on the bike region is available at The interactive bike map provides cyclists with a great overview and helps with planning the next tour.
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About Osttirol
Osttirol, surrounded by 266 impressive peaks higher than 3000 m in altitude – that‘s an insider tip for bikers! The region offers more than 600 kilometers official bike routes – with great climbs, sensational views, regional specialities in the huts and awarded gourmet restaurants. Osttirol – the dream spot with hidden paths and terrific panoramas – not only for those who are well trained!
About 600 km MTB-trails – many tours to choose for families and demanding mountain bike riders. The sunny paradise Osttirol satisfies all requirements for a successful mountain bike holiday! Osttirol – a real mountain-bike highlight with all the new singletrails! Fun for families with children as well as for Enduro-Enthusiasts.