Most of downhill fans knows him as that funny guy who’s previewing every round of Downhill World Cup. Now it’s mandatory thing and some people wait for track preview more than for a competition. He’s also Team Manager of DH World Cup team Gstaad-Scott and founder of Velosolutions. Ladies and gentlemen – Claudio Caluori!

Interview with Claudio Caluori
Fort William 2014

Tomasz Profic, 43RIDE: In Poland you’re mostly known for DH World Cup tracks previews, but you do many other interesting things. Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Claudio Caluori: Just some dude from Switzerland who loves what he does and does what he loves. 38 years old and still not grown up.

As I know you’re a busy man. Can you tell us more about your work in Velosolutions..

With Velosolutions, we’re building bikeparks, trails, racetracks and pump tracks. We’ve built the world cup track in Champéry and we’ve developped the first asphalt pump tracks that have become popular also in Poland later on.

…Team Gstaad-Scott…

I founded the team in 2008 and it’s constantly evolving and becoming more fun! Especially nowadays with the additional fun of the track previews!

…and Red Bull.

The commentated track previews actually started at Red Bull Crashed Ice in 2010. In 2012 we tried them for the first time at the Mountain Bike World Cup in Fort William and it was too much fun to stop it.

Interview with Claudio Caluori
Claudio in action

You’ve done many projects with Velosolutions, but which one was your favourite?

Both, the one in Thailand and New York City, were projects that I will always remember. The time in Thailand and in New York City was completely different (allthough equally hot!!), but they were the best times of my life. Nothing beats seeing the Thai kids having fun on something you just built, or working on a project you love with direct view to the statue of liberty. I hope we’re going to have more of those projects coming up, maybe in Poland?

What’s better – building trails in the mountains or pump tracks in the city?

Good question. I love both. The work in nature with a great view in the mountains is awesome. But what you can achieve for the kids in the cities is just as awesome. Having both options is the best!

You’re also Team Manager of UCI DH World Cup team. Why are you doing this? What was the idea to start it?

I love the racing scene. I have been part of it since 1993. When it was time for me to stop racing, I had to figure out how to continue. The option of starting a racing team was a good challenge.

Is there any chance to see female rider in Gstaad-Scott team?

We have been the only team with two women for a long time. Yes, there is a chance to get a woman on the team, but it’s not on the plan for next year.

How can you summarize passing year for your team? It was good or bad season?

It was good. We had a really good ambiance on the team and we felt that it has been the right decision to make it smaller. Both riders started the season with a top ten qualifier in Lourdes, but then things became a little tougher. Brendan almost hit the podium twice. All our sponsors were stoked so that we can now push it even harder to get Brendan and Neko to the front. You know, it’s not that easy to keep everybody happy over a whole season, but with the crew we have right now, it works really well. I’m actually happy with the whole crew. We just need to find a cook over the winter, haha!

What’s your plans and/or expectations for upcoming season for Gstaad-Scott team?

We’ll, if Brendan and Neko don’t start to step on the podium soon, I might have to get rid of that camera on my helmet and start racing again! haha
It looks like there are not many teams that remain the same, but for us, there are really no changes of riders or sponsors. As for expectations… I don’t have them.

Interview with Claudio Caluori
Lenzerheide 2015

Let’s talk about UCI DH World Cup. For some time every round can’t start without your great track preview. What’s the story behind it? When and why did you start your track previews?

They asked me in Red Bull Crashed Ice if I could try that. It was quite a success. So I asked the guys at the world cup if we should try it there. The rest you know.

As you’re previewing every track, probably you have your favourite one?

Mont Sainte Anne. It’s always been my favourite. It’s fast, technical but still flowy, long, rough, it’s the place where I’ve been on the podium in 2002 and it’s the place with the best parties!

Claudio Caluori & Tahnee Seagrave, Mt. Saint Anne 2015 track preview

What’s your impressions after one of the scariest places in the mountainbiking world – Red Bull Rampage?

Oh boy… You know, that place is scary for everybody, – but if you’re scared of heights like I am, it’s horrible. I actually didn’t want to go up to the top, – I didn’t know if I was really going to ride the top section to the very last second.

What exactly is Red Bull Crashed Ice series? I heard that another season will start very soon..

It’s a Fourcross on ice skates, racing on a steep ice track with hockey walls on the sides… Yes, I’m actually packing my stuff to get ready for the first race in Quebec.

Red Bull Crashed Ice Belfast 2015 track preview

For the end – do you know anything about Poland and/or our riders?

Ha! I actually just drove across Poland with the Gstaad-Scott team bus. Yes, I’ve raced at the European Downhill Championships in 2004 or so in Poland…
I know you have nice pump tracks, nice ladies, lots of mushrooms in the woods, your cows on the fields are chained to the ground, and you have Maja Włoszczowska!

Thanks for the interview!

Interview with Claudio Caluori
Red Bull Crashed Ice