Bonjour, slopestyle fans! Bonjour, Les Gets! The FMB World Tour is stopping by at Crankworx Les Gets, where the second FMB Diamond Series Event of the 2017 season will be held. There are a few big names, who we will have our eyes set on in Les Gets: Brett Rheeder (CAN), Thomas Genon (BEL), Mehdi Gani (FRA) and Matt Jones (GBR) will be sending it for the first time at an FMB Diamond Event this season, after injuries held them back for Crankworx Rotorua. We had time to catch up with Tommy G, and Matt and they gave us some insight on their return and what we should be looking out for during Crankworx Les Gets on June 18. You can watch all the FMB Diamond Series action from Crankworx Les Gets live on Red Bull TV and on from 3.30pm CEST / 9.30am EDT / 6.30pm PDT!

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Matt Jones Great to have you back guys! First off, how are you feeling? Are you back to full strength?

Matt Jones: Thanks guys! It feels amazing to be riding again. The great news is that the bones in my wrist have healed, but things are still super stiff and pretty weak.

Thomas Genon: Feels pretty good to be riding and living a normal life again! It will take a while to have a fully recovered mind and body though. But for now I am happy about how the recovery is going.

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Thomas Genon

It is your first trip to France for a contest this season. What do you like most about the French and France? Would you say it is worth a trip?

Matt: Yeah, it’s my first trip to France this year for a contest! I was lucky enough to go skiing in France earlier in the year so I can tell you that it’s worth it for the chocolate croissants!

Thomas: Les Gets is a good-looking place. It’s always a good trip, when you head into the mountains!

You will be dropping into an FMB Diamond Series Event for the first time this year as well. How are your nerves doing? Do you feel any different this time round?

Matt: It sucked to crash the day before finals in New Zealand! But it was important for me to be fit in time for Les Gets and I’m stoked to be back. I just want to get a full run down the course and move forward from this event with some valuable points!

Thomas: I am happy that I went to 26TRIX to get some runs down in practice and in the final. I’ve been competing since a young age. The pressure at competitions is something I like and I’ve missed a lot! I am super excited.

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Matt Jones

How have the last weeks been for you? Have you prepared for Crankworx Les Gets any differently than you usually would?

Matt: The last few weeks have been strange, instead of working on new tricks, I’ve been having to work on my strength and getting the feeling back with older tricks. So, it’s been more about training for riding my bike than Crankworx itself.

Thomas: I had less time to ride than usual obviously. So, I kind of had to focus only on “contest tricks” more than the rest. Getting back in shape is also something I have to work on daily because 3 months without action, lets your muscles melt away fast!

Since last year’s slopestyle contest was cancelled due to the weather, you’ll be riding the course for real for the first time. Which part of the course are you most looking forward to?

Matt: I wasn’t in Les Gets last year so it’ll be my first time on this course. Hopefully it’s nice and smooth and pain-free!! The last jump is always the best feeling on any course for me.

Thomas: The second year of a contest is always better. The guys reshaped the course knowing what they wanted to improve. I am excited to ride it!

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Thomas Genon

Which trick would you really like to send this weekend? Do you have any firsts up your sleeve?

Matt: I always love pulling a double backflip! But I haven’t done one in contest yet this year, so hopefully there’s the perfect jump for it in Les Gets.

Thomas: I do have a few tricks, I learnt. Hopefully I can find a way to do some of them!

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Matt Jones

So far Nicholi, Torquato and Emil have been the riders to beat this year, but we still have a long season ahead of us. What are your plans for the upcoming weeks and months? Do you see yourself as a contender for the top spot even though you just returned from injury?

Matt: The next couple of events are important for me to gain some points in the overall. I’m still recovering, so I will make it count later in the year for sure!

Thomas: Life without contests was tedious and felt like forever. The guys for sure didn’t wait for me. However, the step back helped me think about what I really want and how to get there. Hopefully I am ready and able to fight for a good rank. But I am for sure ready to send it!

Crankworx Les Gets 2017: interview with Matt Jones and Thomas Genon
Thomas Genon

Thanks for taking the time and we wish you all the best of luck for the contest this Sunday!

Photos: Rich K photography