In ‘Video Game’ Fabio Wibmer transports us to an alternate reality with him starring as
the main character in a unique film combing jaw-dropping bike action with gamification.

Inspired by a passion for video games and immersing himself in things that seemed far away from reality, Wibmer’s new release sees his unmistakable riding style mixed with elements from his favourite game. Shot mainly in third person view, something that was extremely challenging, it’s made to feel like the audience are controlling Wibmer and directing him to his next destination in the French Riviera.

The video starts with him hurtling down a forest line in Innsbruck before hitting the dirt, a crash which forced him to pause releasing video projects for over a year due to the ankle and shoulder injuries he sustained. Twelve months on, Wibmer made the Côte d’Azur his home for a spellbinding video unlike anything he’s ever released before.

“The individual scenes were very demanding and on top of that, I was not only
on one bike, but on three completely different bikes that require different skill

Fabio Wibmer

“The scenes were much more complex than in my other videos. Helicopter, boat, the jump from the cliffs, the set-ups in the city for example. Another challenge was connecting the differing scenes with each other to create a smooth rhythm and flow.

Fabio Wibmer

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